Campaign Research Summary

3 minute read

About the campaign

The Carer Gateway national advertising campaign aims to increase awareness of Carer Gateway services and supports, and encourage Australia’s 2.65 million unpaid carers to access the phone line and website to access these supports.

The campaign was informed by extensive market research undertaken across Australia. The resulting campaign addresses the research-identified needs and concerns of carers (as the campaign’s target audience) and encourages them to access Carer Gateway for support.

Developmental research

The developmental stages of campaign research identified four key objectives:

  • To seek greater understanding of how carers identify, and why hidden carers do not identify as carers.
  • To seek greater insight into the barriers that both carers and hidden carers experience in reaching out for support.
  • To seek greater understanding of how carers can reach out for support in a timely fashion.

Developmental research outcomes

  • Most carers do not access support or ask for help with their caring role.
  • Those that do ask for help will only do so when in crisis, or in an emergency.
  • Carers often feel guilty when asking for help or support, as they believe their caring role is a duty of care.
  • CALD carers are particularly resistant to asking for help outside the immediate family as they feel help seeking is stigmatised as a sign of failure of duty.

Concept testing and outcomes

  • Before production began, three creative concepts were developed and tested thoroughly with a variety of participants, including First Nations and CALD individuals.
  • The implemented concept was strongest in helping carers self-identify in their role, as they could relate to the scenarios displayed in the creative.
  • The concept also had the strongest emotional engagement, as it clearly focused on the carer and demonstrated respect and clear understanding of the caring role.
  • Pre-production feedback was received and implemented, to refine the concept further.
  • Post-production testing ensured that the message remained impactful and resonated with carers appropriately.
  • Carers considered the materials authentically represented their experience. According to carers, the materials had more credibility because of the realities shown.
  • The campaign is a balance of the highs and lows of the caring experience, displaying the breadth of visible and invisible caring needs, to resonate with a range of carers and their diverse experiences as carers.

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