Charlize's story
I see myself as a carer, yes, but I am more playing the role as the sister, just like any other person. My experience with Carer Gateway goes with talking about youth groups.I can join and partake with people who have similar experiences with me. I also have my dad tell me about events where I can volunteer or help out or just go to and enjoy.
I have a rather good relationship with my brothers. I kind of take on the role of mother subconsciously, which leads them to thinking I’m quite bossy. But I always tend to help them and that’s my role. I love helping them out with their own hobbies such as their games and their schoolwork, as well as teaching them how to cook and stuff like that.
Like most families, there’s always going to be tension in a household, especially, when you are all living quite close together. But I tend to either try to make light of a situation, or I’ll just remove myself from a situation and come back later and then try to fix the relationship.
Part of chilling out is I love to educate myself on things around me. And because I’m such a curious person, it comes quite easy for me to be able to relax, but also be learning at the same time and doing a bunch of my different hobbies, such as video games, content creation with my media team that I do.
I also love learning and just doing a bunch of different things as well as art. Being a carer has taught me a lot about myself. Part of the fact that I love learning and I love teaching people, but I also love helping people in general. But it’s also taught me that life in general is going to give you what it’s going to give you, and you just get to move on and look at it on the positive side of things.
Taking care of my brothers affects my social life in little ways, but it just happens. Whereas I may have to give up going out with friends to take care of them or cut time with friends to make sure I’m there for them. But I don’t mind that at all, because I get to take care of them.
A lot of unexpected opportunities that I’ve gotten as a young carer is being able to link up with other young carers and also join organisations as ambassadors or just helping out at events. I was an ambassador for Little Dreamers Australia. I was part of the NT’s group ambassadors. So I would go on Zoom calls with them and we would talk about issues that would be surrounding carers in general and talk about solutions that may be able to be put forward to the government to help change situations.
My dreams in general is just to be happy, I guess. But I’m aiming to get into this really good accounting course in the territory. But I also want to be able to continue all my hobbies on the side and meet a lot of people along the way and travel.
You got to live with what life gives you and just move on.
Meet Charlize
Charlize is a 16-year old carer to her brothers, Calum and Casey, who were born with learning difficulties and autism.
Although Charlize often says she is a carer in formal situations, she doesn’t see herself as a ‘carer’.
'I’ll say I’m a young carer but I don’t really identify with it, I’m just a sister looking after my brothers.'
Charlize has always cared for others, whether it’s for her family or her friends. “Sometimes, I think I subconsciously take on a parenting role, but I don’t mean to. I just want to make sure everything goes smoothly for the people I love.” she said. Charlize jokingly calls herself the ‘dad’ friend of the group, 'My friends come to me with their problems and I always try to help where I can.'
Often, Charlize has to prioritise taking care of her brothers over socialising with her friends. Charlize’s caring responsibilities involve taking her brothers out or looking after them when her dad has a commitment.
However, Charlize doesn’t let any of this phase her and always tries to think positively. 'I’m not a fussy person, you have to live with what life gives you and move on,' she said.
Beyond her love and care for her family and friends, Charlize is a self-branded geek and lover of languages.
In her spare time she loves playing building games like Minecraft, where she can be creative and explore new virtual worlds. Charlize enjoys discovering quirky new phrases in foreign languages and has a particular interest in Japanese, Chinese and Korean. Charlize is at her best when she can explore her curiosities.
Charlize admits it can be tricky to wind-down at home when she is looking after her brothers because, as with all siblings, sometimes they have disagreements. However, when times are tough, one of the creative ways Charlize gets through is by cooking with her brothers. 'Cooking makes everything much more fun and breaks up the tension,' she said.
Making a positive impact
Charlize is passionate about spreading awareness of unpaid carers and making a positive impact in the carer community.
One of her proudest moments and biggest achievements was when she became a Young Carer Ambassador for Little Dreamers. In this role, she took part in workshops and was actively involved in brainstorming solutions for unpaid carers in government policy.
Charlize regularly uses the Carer Gateway website to stay up-to-date with what’s happening in the carer community and particularly likes receiving the weekly Carer Gateway emails that let her know when the next young carer meet-ups are scheduled. Charlize’s dad often accesses Carer Gateway for Charlize too, to find out what events for young carers are scheduled so she can connect with other young carers. Charlize is looking forward to these events and meeting more young carers like herself.
'Something I’ve learnt from talking with other carers, is we believe our purpose is to help others.'
After finishing school, Charlize sees herself in a career where she can help people. Whether she takes on an accounting role, becomes a teacher and teaches English or becomes a nutritionist to help fix Australia’s nutrition crisis, Charlize hopes to create a positive and lasting impact.
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