Making an emergency care plan

1 minute read

An emergency care plan has all the information about the person you care for in one place, so you can get it quickly and easily.

An emergency care plan makes it easy for someone to take over from you in a hurry. The plan is also useful if someone else will be providing care for a while, or if you need to talk with someone such as a health care professional.

What is an emergency care plan

Your emergency care plan should include:

  • personal information about the person you care for (name, address, age, condition, health)
  • details of any emergency contacts, including
    • family and friends
    • guardians or someone who may have a power of attorney
    • health professionals
  • medical history
  • a list of medicines and how and when they should be given
  • care needs, such as what they usually eat and drink and details of personal care
  • a list of the regular support services they use and upcoming appointment dates, times and locations
  • anything else you think someone taking over for you in a hurry would need to know

What is a carer emergency card

A carer emergency card is a card you can carry in your wallet to let people know that you care for someone. It’s a good idea to carry an emergency card to make sure the person you care for will be supported if something happens to you.

This card has the contact details of people who have your emergency care plan and anyone else who can help the person you care for if something happens to you.

The person you care for should also carry a card in their wallet to let people know they are being cared for by you.

How to make and use an emergency care plan and card

You can download or ask to be sent a blank emergency care plan and card to fill in.

Download a blank emergency care plan and cards to fill in

Once you have filled in the plan, you should save it to your phone or computer. You should also print out copies of the plan, and:

  • keep a copy of the plan somewhere safe and easy to see in your home. You should also keep a copy of important documents such as wills, guardianship and powers of attorney with your emergency care plan
  • take a copy with you when you leave home or travel with the person you care for
  • give a copy to each of your emergency contacts
  • give a copy to your doctor, and anyone else who may need to know what to do

Once you have filled in the carer emergency card, you should put it in your wallet. Once you have filled in the emergency card for the person you care for, they should put it in their wallet or carry it with them.

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