Lifting and moving people safely

1 minute read

As a carer, you may need to help the person you care for to move around. For example, you may need to move them from a bed to a wheelchair, or in and out of a car.

How to move people safely

It is very important that you learn how to do this properly to prevent injuries, either to yourself or to the person you care for.

You should protect your back, arms and neck when you move the person. Bend your knees when lifting someone from a low position, keep your back upright and stand by straightening your knees.

Tell the person you care for when and where you are going to move them, so they can help as much as possible to take the strain off you.

You will need to decide if you are strong enough to move and lift the person, or if you will need help. You may need to get another person to help.

Don’t move someone if you have a back injury, and only move them if it is necessary.

Getting help with moving people

You can ask your doctor or other health care professional for advice and training on how to move someone. Many carer organisations train carers in how to move and lift people. There is also information available online, such as this guide to techniques for moving and handling people.

You can also get special equipment to help you move and lift someone, such as hoists, stand aids and slide sheets. You might be able to get free or subsidised (cheaper for you) equipment.

Always ask a health professional about how to use equipment to prevent injury to yourself and the person you care for.

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