
Emotional and practical services for carers.

Carer Gateway is an Australian Government program providing free services and support for carers.


Who can access Carer Gateway services?

Find out if you're able to receive support services from the Carer Gateway.

Information finder

Browse our categories, or use the filters to find information specific to your life circumstances.

The Carer Wellbeing survey is now open

Carers Australia has partnered with the University of Canberra to conduct a national survey into the wellbeing of carers and their support services.

We want to hear about your experiences of being a carer and accessing services. This will help us understand how life has changed for carers completing the survey over time so we can improve our services and shape a stronger future for carers.

The survey close date has been extended to allow those impacted by Cyclone Alfred to participate. The survey now closes on 30 April 2025. You can complete the survey online

(link is external)

You can also request a paper copy of the survey from the University of Canberra by calling 1800 981 499.

Caring for others & yourself: Carer Wellbeing Survey

How do I access Carer Gateway services?

Carer Gateway service providers help carers access a range of free services and support just for carers. These services can be accessed in-person, over the phone or online through this website.

Call 1800 422 737 to find out if you are eligible to access services offered by our dedicated team of Carer Gateway service providers across Australia.

How to access supports through Carer Gateway service providers

1 Call. 2 Plan. 3 Arrange. 4 Receive. Find out more on how to access support.

Find support for the person you care for

As a carer, you will have many things to do and think about for the person you care for.

There are a range of supports available for the person you care for. The type of support available depends on their individual needs

Available support for the person you care for