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Counselling for carers
your situation. They can provide strategies to help you work through your emotions. Carer Gateway provides free … in relation to your caring role. A trained counsellor will work with you to understand and help you explore your … will provide a safe space to explore specific issues and work together on the way forward. Carers can access six …Agreeing on flexible work arrangements
treated fairly by your employer. … Agreeing on flexible work arrangements …Magnolia’s story - caring for her grandmother
a lot for photoshoots, fashion shows and filming. I also work at ARDS Aboriginal Corporation, which runs creative … me to follow my dreams. She always encouraged me to work hard and is my number 1 supporter. She’s getting older … independent. On her good days when she feels well, I go to work but some days I stay home with her. I make sure she …Working with hospital or health services
care for someone who has health problems, you will need to work with health services. … Working with hospital or health …Gary F's story
his dogs and looks forward to the creative outlet of his work. 'Since becoming a carer, although I make time for …Different stages in your caring role
care for, you start a routine of treatment and care. You work out what they need in health care and personal care, and … yourself and for your other family and friends return to work or study Life after caring At some stage, your caring … care for as much as you do now. That could be because of work, financial pressures, your health or family situation, …Tracey's story
carer. 'The stress of juggling Jovie’s appointments around work, or re-scheduling my work for her appointments, was really difficult. We were not …Kenny's story
at risk,' she said. Eventually she accepted they needed to work together as a family, ‘working with them to show them … 'I may care for two people in my family but I do the same work as [other young carers] do daily and I have similar …Support for LGBTI carers
same legal rights, both when you receive services and at work . You: have the right to be treated with respect and … and confidentiality can’t be discriminated against at work because you are a carer can ask for flexible working …Narelle's story
being able to listen to the carer, understand what might work for them, and then offer a range of options for them to …